miercuri, 3 iunie 2009

Simpozionul internaţional de arhitectură “Tel Aviv-Yafo: Old-New Metropolis”

9 iunie 2009, orele 9:30-19:00, Muzeul Eretz Israel, Tel Aviv

Institutul Cultural Român din Tel Aviv vă invită la Simpozionul internaţional de arhitectură “Tel Aviv-Yafo: Old-New Metropolis”, care se va desfăşura în data de 9 iunie 2009, între orele 9:30 şi 19:00, la Muzeul Eretz Israel din Tel Aviv (Str. Haim Levanon nr. 2, Ramat Aviv).

Simpozionul “Tel Aviv-Yafo: Old-New Metropolis”, organizat de Colegiul Shenkar de Inginerie şi Design şi Uniunea Arhitecţilor din Israel în parteneriat cu institute culturale şi ambasade ale statelor membre ale Uniunii Europene, sub patronajul Preşedinţiei Cehe a UE, face parte din seria manifestărilor dedicate Centenarului oraşului. Discuţiile vor explora diversitatea culturală şi relaţia trecut-prezent în contextul urban contemporan, la 100 de ani de la fondarea, în aprilie 1909, la periferia vechiului oraş port Yafo (având o vechime atestată de cel puţin trei milenii), a oraşului Tel Aviv – primul oraş evreiesc modern din lume.

Numele oraşului, Tel Aviv (“colina primăverii”), a fost ales în 1910 dintre mai multe sugestii – fiind traducerea în ebraică a titlului cărţii Altneuland (Old-New Country) a lui Theodor Herzl – ca exprimând cel mai bine ideea renaşterii vechiului Eretz Israel. Supranumit azi şi Oraşul Alb, Tel Aviv-ul este înscris în patrimoniul mondial al UNESCO, aici fiind înregistrată cea mai mare concentraţie de imobile în stil Bauhaus din lume.

Denumirea simpozionului, Tel Aviv-Yafo: Old-New Metropolis, surprinde astfel intenţia de a dezbate, pornind de la realitatea contopirii într-o singură unitate administrativă a două oraşe, Tel Aviv şi Yafo, atât de diferite (ca istorie, componenţă etnică, arhitectură), chestiuni de o problematică mai generală: ce leagă un oraş, o societate urbană într-o entitate organică, distinctă, şi ce forţe o pot destabiliza/descompune? ce rol au etnicul, diversitatea culturală într-o structură urbană contemporană, şi ce strategii integrative se pot concepe şi aplica pentru menţinerea unui old-new metropolis viabil?

La simpozion participă specialişti din spaţiul israelian şi european (România, Franţa, Italia, Germania, Cehia, Finlanda). Arhitecţii români Dorin Ştefan şi Claudiu Bârsan Pipu, în studiul Stol deasupra Bucureştiului / Flocking Over Bucharest (varianta revizuită şi actualizată a prezentării făcute în luna iunie 2008 la Londra, în cadrul London Festival of Architecture), vor urmări relaţia dintre individ şi grup, trecerea către şi dinspre global şi local, analizând arhitectural Bucureştiul dintr-o perspectivă inedită, încercând să situeze conceptual structurile urbane ale capitalei, cu scopul relevării posibilităţilor de dezvoltare urbană a acesteia.

Prezenţa românească este realizată cu sprijinul Institutul Cultural Român din Tel Aviv.

Intrarea pe bază de invitaţie. Pentru detalii, vă rugăm să contactaţi office@icrtelaviv.org.


Tel Aviv-Yafo: Old-New Metropolis

Name of the Event: The Architectural Symposium "Tel Aviv-Yafo: Old-New Metropolis"
Date: June 9, 2009
Place: Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
Annotation: EU Member States, Shenkar College of Engineering and Design and the Israeli Association of United Architects will organize an architectural symposium "Tel Aviv-Yafo: Old-New Metropolis" – one day symposium exploring cultural diversity and the encounter between past and present in the contemporary urban context to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of Tel Aviv-Yafo.

This introduction describes the key concepts behind a one-day symposium to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of Tel Aviv-Yafo, an initiative of the Czech Presidency of the European Union and co-organized by EU Member States, the Shenkar College of Engineering and Design and the Israeli Association of United Architects. In addition to the historical identity of Tel Aviv-Yafo as a city recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage site, the merging of Tel Aviv and Yafo into a single municipal jurisdiction has pushed to the fore a distinct constellation of social, cultural, and political questions and concerns. More simply put, after 100 years Tel Aviv-Yafo not only exemplifies the enduring material and morphological struggle between old and new in the modern urban context but also stands as an exemplary case study for some of the most pressing concerns affiliated with socio-cultural diversity and modern identity.

With great enthusiasm, the symposium embraces this multi-layered complexity particular to Tel Aviv-Yafo aiming to inspire a new dialogue by convening a select yet diverse group of international and local architects, intellectuals, and artists whose individual expertise will serve as the foundations for reexamining the unique cultural-spatial dynamics of this city with an eye toward the next 100 years. Particularly because Tel Aviv-Yafo is home to multiple and distinct ethnic communities the metropolitan region holds a strong attraction to people from a wide array of ethnic, religious, social, and political backgrounds, raising a set of key critical questions:

• What in fact holds cities and urban societies together, and what forces drive them apart?
• What roles do ethnicity and cultural diversity play in the context of Tel Aviv-Yafo?
• What forward-thinking endeavors could modify the idea of the Old-New Metropolis with regard to integration strategies?

In lectures, discussions and theoretical interventions, the invited guests will be asked to explore fundamental urban notions and spatial practices affiliated with the broader question of identity in the contemporary urban milieu.

The Premise

Typically, the modern metropolis has been the vortex of both progressive and reactionary forces responding to the varied developments faced by modern societies. One central theme of urban transformation in the modern era is the putative democratization of the city and the dissolution of traditional patterns of social, economic, and cultural segregation that went hand in hand with the modernization and improvement of sanitary conditions in densely populated urban cores of large European cities. Drawing on the theme of Jewish ghetto space and the encounter with modernity as demonstrated by numerous urban modernization projects from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century—Josefov in Prague, the Jüdenstrasse in Frankfurt a/Main, the ghetto in Rome, among others—the symposium will build on this historical model as a means of exploring contemporary spatial practices and issues of cultural identity in the existing urban context of Tel Aviv-Yafo.
In the densest of spaces, the challenges of social life are intensified, as a global information society forms its political-cultural reactions, tendencies, and patterns. "Tel Aviv-Yafo: Old-New Metropolis" inquires into the apparent differences and fundamental similarities between the two sociopolitical habitats, Tel Aviv and Yafo, in their handling of ethnic and cultural diversity, in the use of public space, and in public participation in processes of urban development. A close multicultural research, seen as a contemporary interpretation of Theodor Herzl's neologism "Altneuland" will serve as an affirmative homage and point of critical embarkation in this centennial anniversary year aiming to better categorize existing problems and explore future strategies for promoting both cultural diversity and a coherent urban identity in the Tel Aviv-Yafo metropolitan region.

Intellectual Spirit of the Symposium

Defining a viable set of goals and practices using case studies from the international context aimed at reappraising the implications of contemporary architectural design and urban development in Tel Aviv-Yafo according to the following pivotal concerns:

Innovative Construction-New Materiality: New Technologies, Social Responsibility and Sustainability. Exploring examples of design strategies employing new technologies and cutting-edge materials that take into consideration ethnic, cultural, and economic differences; focusing on heterogeneity and the promotion of cultural diversity as a progressive and democratic model for contemporary urban development and social integration.

Classic Materials-Modern Language: Contemporary Memory and the Relation between Identity and Culture in the Urban Context. Assessing the ever-shifting roles of history and tradition in other cities as a vehicle for reexamining the deployment of the past in contemporary Tel Aviv-Yafo; through the critical lens of existing spatial practices, seeking to provide durable paradigms for future growth, development, and multicultural cooperation as well as strategies for fostering a progressive and cohesive urban identity.

Environment as a Growing System: Spectrum of Potentialities. Responding to concerns about natural resources and social responsibility by incorporating emerging technologies with innovative paradigms aimed at integrating sustainable architectural and urban design with broader sociopolitical goals.

Framework for symposium session with speakers
Sponsors: EU Member States, Shenkar College of Engineering and Design
Format: Keynote address and three thematic sessions comprised of 2-3 speakers along with an Israeli presenter, a lunch break, musical interlude and afternoon coffee break.

Conference organizers
Shraga Kirshner, Prof. Arch., Chair, Department of Interior-Building and Environment Design, Shenkar College of Engineering and Design
Robert Řehák, Dr., Cultural Attaché of the Embassy of the Czech Republic
Paola Liani, Ph.D., Arch. – Lecturer, Shenkar College of Engineering and Design
David Snyder, Ph.D., Arch. – Senior Lecturer, Shenkar College of Engineering and Design

Conference committee:
Robert Oxman, Prof. D.Sc. – Shenkar College of Engineering and Design
Ayelet Karmon, Arch. Senior Lecturer, Shenkar College of Engineering and Design
Batya Svirsky-Melloul, Arch., Chair, Tel Aviv-Yafo branch of the Israel Association of United Architects

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