In the context of the 53rd Biennale di Venezia, Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary, presents three new commissions as part of the exhibition Fare Mondi // Making Worlds, curated by Daniel Birnbaum: De Novo by Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster and The Ethics of Dust: Doge’s Palace, Venice 2009 by Jorge Otero-Pailos in the Arsenale, No Night No day, a performative event by Cerith Wyn Evans and Florian Hecker at the Teatro Goldoni.
Fare Mondi // Making Worlds emphasizes the process of creation: “Taking ‘worldmaking’ as a starting point, also allows the exhibition to highlight the fundamental importance of certain key artists for the creativity of successive generations, just as much as exploring new spaces for art to unfold outside the institutional context and beyond the expectations of the art market,” says curator Daniel Birnbaum. Fare Mondi // Making Worlds wants to display the full scope of today’s artistic strategies, a plurality indicated already in the title and will present a large number of new, ambitious site-specific installations.
Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster: De Novo, 2009
De Novo, a single-channel black and white film installation by Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, tells the story of an artist who will be participating in the Venice Biennale for the fifth time in twenty years. Each attempt has been experienced as an impossible dialogue with this city, ultimately within the situation of the exhibition, resulting in a sensation of failure. The fifth and most recent attempt consists in returning to various sites of these works, in order to make a film there: De Novo (Yet again). Instead of creating with the illusion of the umteenth new idea, this proposal returns to all of these attempts and tries to tell their story. The film will be a "time-machine" that brings us into the chronological disorder of 2003, 1993, 2009, 1990, 1998, in the Giardini, in the Arsenale, on a Vaporetto, in the Prigioni.
Jorge Otero-Pailos: The Ethics of Dust: Doge’s Palace, Venice 2009
The Ethics of Dust: Doge’s Palace, Venice 2009 is an installation resulting from the experimental preservation of the pollution accumulated on the Doge’s Palace of Venice. Traditionally, only the intentional products of human labor, such as art or architecture, have been considered part of our cultural heritage. Pollution is a formless byproduct that was never intentionally shaped; yet it is perhaps our civilization’s most significant cultural product. Jorge Otero-Pailos’ preservation of pollution expands the notion of world heritage to include our unintentional outputs.
Cerith Wyn Evans and Florian Hecker: No Night No day, 2009
No night No day is a performative event taking place at the Teatro Goldoni for three nights only. This new piece by Cerith Wyn Evans and Florian Hecker departs from the very notion of diffusion of both sonic and projected image. Such polymorphic structure heads off from the central perspective of the stage and constantly shifts across the entire space of the theater, over the duration of 50 minutes. In the tradition of performative productions, Wyn Evans and Hecker work on visualizing, proposing, testing and expanding the medium’s possible present and past image(s), revisiting some of the radical innovations, which happened in music, dance, art and acoustics in the past fifty years.
Panel: The Last Temptation of the Contemporary
The Future of the Past: Contemporary Art/Architecture and Heritage
In order to contextualize the projects presented at the Biennale, Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary is organizing together with the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Columbia University a panel with artists, architects, historians, critics, collectors, and curators on new forms of interdisciplinary exchange between experimental work and heritage. Questioning the museum’s status as a static repository of objects, which has made it difficult to formulate moments of change, the panel investigates whether the new cultural institution should be a site of interaction and production, allowing for spaces of cross-programming and hybridity rather than being a site of mere representation. The panel will also question the role of heritage as a cultural agent, converting locations into destinations and tourism making them economically viable as exhibits of themselves.
Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary
Founded in 2002 by Francesca von Habsburg, Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary represents the fourth generation of the Thyssen family’s dedication to the arts. Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary is committed to supporting the production of contemporary art and is actively engaged in commissioning and disseminating unconventional projects that defy traditional disciplinary categorizations. The foundation sustains a far-reaching regional and international orientation and explores modes of presentation that are intended to provoke and broaden the way viewers perceive and experience art. Exhibitions drawn from the foundation’s collection are regularly presented to the public.
53rd International Art Exhibition / Biennale di Venezia
Previews: Thursday, 4th June, Friday, 5th June and Saturday, 6th June 2009, 10:00 am – 8:00 pm
Fare Mondi // Making Worlds
Location Arsenale
Duration of the exhibition 7th June – 22nd November 2009
Opening hours 10:00 am – 6:00 pm, closed on Tuesdays (excluding June 9 and November 17)
Cerith Wyn Evans & Florian Hecker: No night No day, 2009
(Duration: 50 min.)
Location Teatro Goldoni, San Marco 4650B, Calle Goldoni, Venice
Gala event Thursday, 4th June 2009, 8:00 pm
Additional dates Friday, 5th June and Saturday 6th June 2009, 8:00 pm and 10:00 pm
Tickets € 100,-- / € 150,-- / € 400,-- (loges) / € 800 (blocks of 10)
Panel: The Last Temptation of the Contemporary
The Future of the Past: Contemporary Art/Architecture and Heritage
Location Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Palazzo Franchetti, Sala del Portego, S. Marco 2847 / Campo S. Stefano, Venice
Date Saturday, 6th June 2009, 4:00 pm (tbc)
Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary
Himmelpfortgasse 13, A-1010 Vienna
T +43 1 513 98 56
F +43 1 513 98 56 22
E press@TBA21.org
www.TBA21.org / www.labiennale.org
Press / T-B A21
Christina Werner
w.hoch.zwei. Kulturelles Projektmanagement
Breite Gasse 17/4, A-1070 Vienna
T +43 1 524 96 46 ext. 22
F +43 1 524 96 32
E-Mail werner@kunstnet.at
Image Caption
Cerith Wyn Evans & Florian Hecker
No night No day, 2009
Commissioned by Thyssen-Bornemizsa Art Contemporary for the 53rd Biennale di Venezia 2009
Photo: Courtesy of Cerith Wyn Evans
Jorge Otero-Pailos
The Ethics of Dust: Doge’s Palace, Venice, 2009
Latex and pollution 1000 x 675 x 0.1 cm
Commissioned by Thyssen-Bornemizsa Art Contemporary
for the 53rd Biennale di Venezia 2009 additional sponsorship from Arte Mundit of FTB Remmers
Photo: Courtesy of Jorge Otero-Pailos
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