Romania Green Building Council are placerea sa va anunte ca prezentarile video ale trainingului pe tema Directivei de Performanta Energetica a Cladirilor sunt acum disponibile online. Prezentarile sunt in limba romana, cu subtitrare in limba engleza.
«Cum se poate obtine clasa energetica A in cadrul certificatului de performanta energetica a cladirii» a avut loc in octombrie 2008. A fost un curs dedicat celor mai importante aspecte ce trebuie luate in consideratie pentru ca o cladire sa fie incadrata intr-o clasa energetica superioara, conform prevederilor Directivei UE de Performanta Energetica a Cladirilor, transpuse si in legislatia nationala.
Prezentarile au cuprins: definitii si puncte de referinta in certificarea energetica a cladirilor, masuri de reducere a consumului energetic (izolatii, solutii pasive pentru arhitectura si mediul inconjurator, sisteme de incalzire, iluminat, ventilatie traditionale si neconventionale, etc), precum si studii de caz.
Pentru a urmari prezentarile, vizitati, sectiunea Watch Green Videos.
The Romania Green Building Council is pleased to announce that videos from our training on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive are now available online. The presentations are in Romanian, with subtitles in English.
«How to get an A rating on the Energy Performance Certificates?» was held in October 2008. It was a training event dedicated to explaining the most important aspects to be considered to score the highest rating on the energy performance certificates in the European Union's mandatory Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD).
The presentations covered: definitions and benchmarks in a building energy performance certificate, energy saving measures (insulation, architecture and vicinity passive solutions, traditional and unconvetional heating systems, lighting, ventilation and air conditioning, etc), case studies.
To view the presentations, go to, Watch Green Videos section.
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