marți, 26 octombrie 2010

WS01 Iasi: Rhino + Grasshopper Training_Announcement

Dupa ce in ultimele saptamani s-au lasat auzite numai zvonuri, iata ca a venit timpul sa lansam si anuntul oficial:

Intre 29 octombrie si 01 noiembrie 2010 va avea loc workshopul de introducere in metode de design digital si fabricatie [Introduction to Digital Design and Fabrication Methods] la Universitatea de Arhitectura si Urbanism din Iasi.

Acest workshop urmareste familiarizarea participantilor cu metodele de proiectare parametrica folosind Rhinoceros si Grasshopper. Ceea ce ne propunem este sa materializam lucrul de pe parcursul celor 4 zile intr-o serie de modele fizice.

De astazi incepand, ne puteti trimite aplicatiile de participare la workshop pe adresa:

Ce ar trebuii sa contina aplicatiile? Aflati aici: HOW TO APPLY


Following the rumors spread around for the past few weeks, the time has come to launch the official announcement:

We are happy to spread the news that between the 29th of October and the 1st of November 2010, all of you out there interested in getting accustomed with algorithmic and parametric design, will be able to attend the Introduction to Digital Design and Fabrication Methods Workshop that is going to be held at the University of Architecture and Urbanism in Iasi, Romania.

This workshop aims to make the participants familiar with the logic and language of Grasshopper[Rhino]. The result of this 4 days long exercise will materialize in physical models of the chosen digital instances.

Beginning today, you can send us your applications for the upcoming workshop at:

What exactly should an application contain? Find out the answer here: HOW TO APPLY

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