Training Video Online – Principii sustenabile de proiectare arhitecturala
Romania Green Building Council are placerea sa va anunte ca prezentarile video ale trainingului pe tema “Proiectare Arhitecturala Sustenabila si Tehnologiile Necesare” sunt acum disponibile online. Prezentarile sunt in limba engleza cu subtitrare in limba romana.
Workshopul a fost organizat in luna ianuarie 2009 si a oferit informatii practice privind utilizarea tehnologiilor disponibile in realizarea de cladiri mai performante, mai eficiente din punct de vedere energetic si cu impact redus sau zero asupra mediului. Prezentarile au cuprins: principiile de proiectare bioclimatica, analiza conditiilor climatice, ventilatia naturala, lumina naturala si insorirea – teorie, exemple, instrumente de simularel procesul de proiectare bioclimatica, Directiva de Performanta Energetica a Cladirilor, instrumente de evaluare a impactului asupra mediului (LEED/BREEAM), exemple de proiecte verzi, etc.
Pentru a urmari prezentarile, vizitati:
Alte prezentari RoGBC disponibile online:
* Cum se poate obtine clasa energetica A in cadrul Certificatului de Performanta Energetica a Cladirii
* Cele mai rentabile tehnici pentru constructii verzi
Training Video Online – Green Design Principles
The Romania Green Building Council is pleased to announce that videos from our training on the “Green Architectural Design and the Enabling Technologies” are now available online. The presentations are in English, with subtitles in Romanian.
The training was held in January 2009. It was a course meant to provide practical instruction of the use of available IT tools for achieving higher energy efficiency, better buildings, and less or no detrimental impact on the environment. The presentations covered: the principles of bioclimatic design; climate analysis; natural ventilation, daylight and sunlight – theory, examples, simulation tools; the bioclimatic design process, the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), the environmental rating tools (LEED, BREEAM), examples of green building projects, etc.
To view the presentations, go to
Other RoGBC training videos available online:
* How to get an A rating on the Energy Performance Certificates?
* Green Building Techniques that Provide the Highest Return-on-Investment
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