vineri, 11 decembrie 2009

Land Lines - Häfner / Jiménez, Landscape Architects, Berlin

Location: AedesLand, Savignyplatz, Else-Ury-Bogen 600 - 601, 10623 Berlin

Exhibition dates: 29. January 2010 – 8. April 2010

Eröffnung: Friday, January 29, 2010, 6.30 pm

Opening hours: daily von 10.00 am – 8.00 pm

Lines serve the opening up, the bounding, the structuring of Landscape: taking on form as canals, paths, wall edges, acoustic barriers, forest aisles and visual axis. Straight lines, oscillating lines, fat lines, thin lines, broken lines, built lines, imagined lines, single lines, clusters of lines: lines are a fundamental form-giving element of Landscape Architecture.

In the projects by the Landscape Architecture practice Häfner / Jiménez, lines are deployed as constituent elements of unusual lucidity and sharpness, dividing between water and land, nature and culture, inside and outside. The design intent is for lines to be creative agents, that qualify and differentiate surrounding environments, and that give character to newly made open space. As built elements they stage special places, while leaving the remaining landscape undisturbed, or as organisational interventions they manifest the divisions between areas, achieving clarity through sharpness of contrast. They envision a stage and open up distinct places. As a strategy, the line sits, like a precious intarsia, as usable, intensified open/public space in a wider stretch of land.

AedesLand presents the constructed open space projects by Winfried Häfner and his team, and their accomplished competency with Lines in the Landscape: a Berlin water's edge, a noise barrier in Wolfsburg, the regeneration of the lost centre of Staßfurt in the periphery of Leipzig, together with planned projects for Leipzig Harbour and for the Energy Mountain Georgswerder in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg.

Häfner / Jimenez was established in Berlin, in 1993, by Winfried Häfner and Julia Jiménez. Together with Jens Betcke, Thomas Jarosch and six colleagues, this landscape architecture practice has undertaken projects in Berlin, Hamburg and Leipzig. The work of the practice has been awarded the Renault Traffic Design Award, the Leipzig City Architecture Prize and the Gustav Meyer Prize on two occasions. The practice has four large projects in Spandau Wasserstadt. This year, it will complete a project on the Greening of the riverbank on the Eiswerder Island, and a Park at the East Side Gallery in Friedrichshain Kreuzberg.

An AedesLand catalogue will be published.

Speaking at the opening reception will be:

Kristin Feireiss, Aedes Berlin

Uli Hellweg, managing director IBA 2013

Claus Käpplinger, architecture critic, Berlin

The exhibition is kindly supported by: Anschutz, Zueblin, Alpina, Lorberg, Reederei Riedel, Schreder, Tensar International, Elancia, Bruns, Garbe, Strabag, Graf, Optigrün, Rinn, Rheinzink

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