Sambata, 21 noiembrie 2009, 19.00
Curatori: Ioana Nitu & Silvia Vasilescu
Artisti: Valerie Soe, Gabriel de la Mora, Diane Nerwen, Les Leveque, Mumia Abu-Jamal (Prison Radio).
Exista o distorsionare / contradictie intre lucrurile pe care vrem sa le credem adevarate si lucrurile care sunt adevarate (desi "precise" ar fi un termen mai bun), toate provenind din informatia pe care o acceptam ca fiind corecta, fara a-i confrunta veridicitatea.
Modele deficite sau insuficiente ale realitatii sunt doar un produs a ceea ce Walter Lippman a enumerat ca factori ai economiei efortului: "... limitarile contactului social, timpul comparativ insuficient disponibil in fiecare zi pentru a acorda atentiei la treburile publice, distorsionarea care rezulta datorita evenimentelor care trebuie comprimate in mesaje foarte scurte, dificultatea de a face un vocabular mic sa exprime o lume complicata, si in final teama de confruntare cu acele notiuni care ar parea sa ameninte rutina existenta din viata oamenilor."
Proiectul poate avea un scop educational, ideal ar fi sa repare erorile cauzate nu de fictiunea sau realitatea prezentata, aici, cu o concluzie evidenta, ci de fictiunea din mintea noastra, cauza, precum si mediul tuturor informatiilor inselatoare. Si, deasemenea, trebuie adaugat, daca nu face parte din istoria noastra, sau din prezent, ce ar fi mai intelept de ales, luand si lipsa timpului in ecuatie, empatia sau indiferenta?
Ioana Nitu (n.1986) a absolvit Universitatea Nationala de Arte, Bucuresti, a fost assistant director la Pavilion Unicredit. Din septembrie 2009 a fost numita director executiv al Bucharest Biennale.
Silvia Vasilescu (n.1986) a absolvit Universitatea Nationala de Arte, Bucuresti, si in prezent este publication and educational manager la Pavilion Unicredit si Bucharest Biennale. A fost assistant curator laproiectul "Exploring the Return of Repression" si este project manager al proiectului educational Free Academy.
Imagine: Valerie Soe, video still from All Orientals are the Same, video, black/white, 1' 30'', 1986. Courtesy of the artist
Saturday, 21 November 2009, 19.00
Curators: Ioana Nitu & Silvia Vasilescu
Participants: Valerie Soe, Gabriel de la Mora, Diane Nerwen, Les Leveque, Mumia Abu-Jamal (Prison Radio)
There is a distortion/contradiction between the things we want to believe as true and the things that are true (although accurat would be a better term), all coming from the information we take as right without confronting it's veracity .
The deficient or insufficient models of reality are just products of what W. Lippman counted as factors of the economy of effort : "...the limitations of social contact, the comparatively meager time available in each day for paying attention to public affairs, the distortion arising because events have to be compressed into very short messages, the difficulty of making small vocabulary express a complicated world, and finally the fear of facing those facts which would seem to threaten the established routine of men's lives."
A project like this might have an educational purpose, ideally to undo the errors caused not by the fiction or reality presented, here, with an evident conclusion, but by the fiction within our heads, the cause as well as the environment of all misleading information. And also, needed to be added, if it's not part of our history, what is wisser to choose, with the lack of time in the equation, empathy or indifference?
Ioana Nitu (b.1986) graduated from the National University of Arts, Bucharest. She was the assistant director at PAVILION UNICREDIT. Since September 2009 she was appointed as executive director of Bucharest Biennale.
Silvia Vasilescu (b.1986) graduated from the National University of Arts, Bucharest, and, currently is the Publication and Education Manager at PAVILION UNICREDIT and project manager of the educational projectFree Academy. She was the assistant curator of the project "Exploring the Return of Repression".
Image: Valerie Soe, video still from All Orientals are the Same, video, black/white, 1' 30'', 1986. Courtesy of the artist
center for contemporary art & culture
Sos. Nicolae Titulescu 1 (Piata Victoriei)
Bucharest 011131 Romania
T: + 4 031 103 4131
PAVILION UNICREDIT este un centru pentru arta si cultura contemporana, un spatiu independent work-in-progress, spatiu de productie si cercetare a vizualului, a discursivului si a performativului. Este un spatiu al gandirii critice care promoveaza o întelegere implicata socio-politic a artei si a institutiilor culturale.
PAVILION UNICREDIT is a center for contemporary art & culture, a work-in-progress independent space, a space for the production and research in the fields of audiovisual, discursive and performative. It is a space of the critical thinking, and it promotes an artistic perspective implying the social and political involvement of the art and of the cultural institutions.
This is a project by PAVILION - journal for politics and culture.
PAVILION, BUCHAREST BIENNALE and PAVILION UNICREDIT are projects devised and founded by Razvan Ion and Eugen Radescu
Supported by: UniCredit Tiriac Bank
Strategic partner: Pilsner Urquell
Media partners: Radio Romania Cultural, 22,,, 24Fun,
Production partner: UpDate Advertising
Printing partner: First Advertising Agency
Audio-visual partner: Sony
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