Muzeul de arta contemporana DSL Cyber MOCA din Second Life va fi inaugurat in ziua de 30 aprilie 2009 prin expozitia de pictura, instalatii si performance ''TransForm''. Parte a celei de-a 10-a editii a Festivalului Artelor Cibernetice de la Boston, aceasta expozitie va putea fi vizionata si intr-un spatiu fizic, galeria de arta Design a Universitatii Massachusetts din Dartmouth, SUA, in perioada 24 aprilie-10 mai 2009.
Expozitia este curatoriata de fondatorii muzeului de arta contemporana DSL Cyber MOCA, cunoscutii artisti americani de origine chineza Lily&Honglei si de Philip Zhai, filozof al realitatii virtuale.
Printre cei 8 artisti internationali invitati sa participe la acest proiect de avangarda in arta contemporana se numara si artistul vizual si scriitorul sucevean Constantin Severin, teoretician si promotor al expresionismului arhetipal.
Iata si comunicatul oficial al expozitiei:
“TransForm”Exhibition Unveils DSL Cyber MoCA in
Boston Cyberarts 2009
DSL Cyber MoCA is pleased to announce:
The museum of contemporary art in Second Life will be unveiled by the exhibition "TransForm", opening on April 30th.2009. As part of the 10th Boston Cyberarts Festival,the exhibition will be on view in both physical space, Design Gallery at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, US, and the newly launched DSL Cyber MoCA located in the international artist community in Second Life. The exhibition is curated by DSL Cyber MoCA's founder and leading artists Lily & Honglei, and virtual reality philosopher Philip Zhai,sponsored by DSL Collection of Chinese contemporary art, and Visual Design Department of College of Visual and Performing Arts, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.
Curatorial Statement
The exhibition focuses on the signification of "trans-" (transitional, transcending, translating, transforming, etc.) and "form" (traditional and emerging forms of art), examines the ever-changing meaning of aesthetics in the digital era over extensive areas: the social, cultural, or personal. It explores ways of using Online virtual world as the “agent” to transform traditional art forms, such as painting, sculpture, folk art, performance, into digital arts in Cyberspace, and therefore argues that virtual-world art, as a new language, is proceeding to continue the development and “transformation” of expressions that constitute the content of the history of art.
The exhibition also serves to introduce a culturally meaningful collection of contemporary Chinese art, DSL Collection, to the global artist communities connected by Second Life.
Participating Artists & Projects (tentative)
Performances, Paintings & Installations:
Second Front - 7UP
Patrick Lichty (artist, educator & writer. US ) - Dream Umbrella
Mark Millstein (artist, educator) - Kite Forms
John Craig Freeman (artist, educator. US) - Imaging Beijing
Lily & Honglei(artist, blogger. US / China) - Land of Illusion
Constantin Severin (writer, artist. Romania) - Archetypal Expressionism
Philip Zhai (philosopher, educator & artist. China) - Digital Paintings
Educational: Scott Ahrens (educator, designer & artist) – Virtual Teotihuacan
Exhibition Venue & Time
In Second Life: DSL Cyber MoCA. (Teleport Now, or read Instruction). Group exhibition will be on view from April 30th to June 30th.2009. Permanent display: DSL Collection of Chinese contemporary art.
In University of Massachusetts Dartmouth: Design Gallery, Group 6 Room 154, College of Visual & Performing Arts (CVPA)(see map). April 24 - May 10. 2009. Gallery Hours: Monday - Saturday, 10AM - 6PM
More Information
About the Curators:
Lily & Honglei(: new media artists from Beijing, currently based in MA and NY. They dedicate themselves to creating new artistic expressions with digital media as well as enhancing cultural exchanges between the Chinese and global artist communities. Lily & Honglei founded “Land of Illusion” project in Second Life in 2007, a platform generating virtual-world performances and exhibitions for contemporary art and cultural studies through cross-continent collaborations on the Internet. In 2008, they founded NY Arts New Media & Net-Art platform affiliated with NY Arts Magazine. In 2009, collaborating with DSL Collection of contemporary Chinese art, they launched DSL Cyber MoCA in Second Life. Their creativity and activities aim to use new media and Internet-art to maintain cultural sustainability and diversity in a globalized world.
Philip Zhai: Philip Zhai also known as Zhai Zhenming, is a philosopher, artist and professor currently teaching at Sun Yet-sen University, China. Zhai is the author of Get Real: A Philosophical Adventure in Virtual Reality (1998: Rowman & Littlefield), in which he argues that the logical extreme of virtual reality is ontologically equivalent to actual reality. Zhai also writes about cyberspace in light of its connection to virtual reality. He is recognized as one of the major cyber-philosophers who heralded the emergence of Second Life (Donald E. Jones, "Avatar: Constructions of Self and Place in Second Life and the Technological Imagination " ) and other virtual worlds. He also composes music and does digital painting.
About Boston Cyberarts: The first Boston Cyberarts Festival took place ten years ago, in 1999, and since that time the biennial event has become an eagerly-anticipated part of the Boston-area arts and technology scene. George Fifield, Director of Boston Cyberarts, noted: “The Boston area has been a center of art and technology for decades, since the pioneering work done by institutions like WGBH, Polaroid, and the MIT Media Lab. We’re proud that for the past decade we have been able to shine a spotlight on both the rich history of art and technology, and on the visions for the future.”
About Design Gallery at UMass Dartmouth: Design Gallery 154, on the first floor of UMD’s College of Visual and Performing Arts (CVPA) is a specialized space for digital media presentation: theater-style projections of animation, time-based works, participatory virtual events, hands-on interactive design presentations, exhibitions of digital prints, sound art, and a continuous web presence with links for virtual access. FIND ON MAP!
Related Topics:
‘Transcending Media’ and the Role of Contemporary Art Practices in China,
Presentation of DSL Cyber MoCA,Interrelated Media Studio, MassArt.
CIAC’S Electronic Magazine No 31, Fall 2008, Second Life / Art.
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