Friday, December 12, 2008, 5 pm
Himmeplfortgasse 13, 2nd floor, 1010 Vienna
Free admission
Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary presents in the course of the current exhibition A QUESTION OF EVIDENCE a lecture by the poet and political activist Tenzin Tsundue.
Since the fierce uprisings in Tibet in March 2008, the question concerning Tibet's status in relation to China is more urgent than ever. End of November, the UN Committee against Torture recommended investigations into the deaths during the March demonstrations. To discuss the further policy and goals of of the Sino-Tibetan dialogue, the First Special General Meeting was summoned in Dharamsala. More than 600 Tibetans in exile took part. Although the result was to cling - for the time being - to the Middle Way Approach, disappointment and frustration about China's seeming refusal to discuss the Tibet question seriously.
Tenzin Tsundue has been a critic of the Dalai Lama's Middle Way Approach and calls for Tibet's independence from China. Which political options and which hopes are there for Tibet? Tsundue's lecture shall provide us with insight into the debate and communicate its actuality and urgency.
Tenzin Tsundue was born in Indian exile. He is a poet and a writer and one of the Tibet movement's best-known activists, immediately recognizable by the red bandana he wears, which he has sworn not to remove until Tibet is free. He has been at the fore-front of Tibet's struggle for independence from his student days. Later, he caught the attention of the international media after mounting a series of highly publicised one-man protests against visiting Chinese leaders in India. He is a critic of the Dalai Lama's Middle Way Approach, and a staunch proponent of independence, a stand that has made him a key inspiration for a new generation of Tibetans in exile.
In cooperation with Manfredi Manera, director of the documentary film “On the Road to Tibet” and director of the Venetian Multiversal Academy (www.glocalart.org).
Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary
Himmelpfortgasse 13, 1010 Vienna
Duration: November 20 2008 - April 5, 2009
Opening times: Tuesday - Sunday, 12 - 6 pm
The exhibition will be closed from December 24, 2008 until January 6, 2009)
Free admission
Thyssen-Bornmisza Art Contemporary
Himmelpfortgasse 13, 2nd floor, 1010 Vienna
T +43 1 513 98 56 29
F +43 1 513 98 56 22
press@TBA21.org / www.TBA21.org
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